Monday, August 8, 2011

beyond the textbook.

"I'm just gonna get a real attorney."
I hear this, day in and day out, about my services and the way that people regard me as a professional. It is demeaning every day, and can even be devastating.
I spent three of the hardest years of my life trying to learn how to be a lawyer, trying to understand something that was much harder and larger than I was. I stuffed civil procedure, criminal law, contract law, evidence, and basic trial prep skills into my brain until I literally cried myself to sleep some nights.
True, there are many days--even a majority of them--that I dread going to work, dealing with people's anger, prejudices, and illusions. The reactions of people when I must break the bad news that they are, in fact, going back to jail, are overwhelming. The thought that I am the only thing between them and jail or, in some instances, prison is too much to bear in dealing with the clients with whom I connect.
In the words of Aretha Franklin, R-E-S-P-E-C-T... find out what it means to me. If you don't, your last line of defense may abandon you like the rest of society...