Friday, April 2, 2010


I must stop spending money. This month, I will not buy any more clothes. I will not buy any shoes. Last month, I probably spent $1,000 on clothes...some of these will be very useful (for example, the summer-weight suit). Others, I will probably forget I bought them a month or two from now. They will go to the back of my closet to die, like all their impractical brethren.

This month, when I feel the need to buy something, I will go to the gym instead. That ought to kill the old shopping habit.

This summer, things are going to be terrible. A special kind of mind-numbing, God-I-wish-I-would-have-picked-another-profession terrible. I need to get used to living on very little, and entertaining myself very infrequently. It also wouldn't hurt to lose a couple of pounds. Although, it's going to be kind of disheartening when I have to buy another new wardrobe.