Friday, April 9, 2010


I have two weeks left of life as I know it.

For the past seven years, I have been in college or grad school. Seven. Before that, I went through twelve years of regular schooling. So now, as I wrap up the nineteenth grade, I'm starting to wonder about myself. Sure, I'm tired of doing homework. I'm also tired of going to class, smiling at people I hate who hate me back; tired of working a crappy job for crappy pay, and having to be grateful for it because that crappy job is the best I can hope to do in our economy without a professional degree.

Notwithstanding all of that, I'm not sure what I'm ever going to do with myself. Yes, the bar is coming, and I will have another three months of studying. But then what? Will it be a relief to come home and not face homework? I think it might be more stressful. After all, without being foreced to do something, what will I ever do with myself?