Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Closing Time.

I should be reading right now. Not that novel I've been wanting to get to. Not the newspaper. Reading boring, miserable legal articles written by boring, miserable people.

The thing with law school is that you always should be reading. Even when you are outlining what you already read, or attending a class, or writing that paper that's been on the back burner for a long time, you still should be reading. It's gotten to the point where I no longer look at the demands of studying the law as making me better-educated, or better-equipped to win arguments. In all reality, I think I was better-educated the day I graduated college than I am today. I was certainly more intellectually curious then, and genuinely looked forward to waking up in the morning and going to school.

Now, I just resent school in all forms. It makes me push real life off to the side, and has done so for too long. If I weren't in law school, I could already be three years into a stable career of some sort, reading the newspaper guiltlessly, spending time with my cat, and seeing friends and family. I might have finally taken those vacations to Hawaii and Florida that I've wanted for years. For that matter, I could be LIVING in Florida by now. Maybe I would have found a church I liked by now and become spiritually aware for once in my life. Hell, maybe I'd even be married and have a kid already.

But I can't worry about that any more tonight. After all, I should be reading.