Wednesday, January 26, 2011


About three days ago, you stopped texting me. You haven't called since before the last time I actually saw you. I don't know if your'e done because I have done something wrong, if the sizzle has already fizzled, or if I'm simply overreacting. But dammit, I feel like I deserve to be chased a little. I feel like you should want to talk to me. Others do; they keep texting, calling, visiting, even kissing. You don't. You see me once a week and seldom contact me otherwise. Are you seeing other women?

Maybe that's the only reason you still interest me. You're mysterious and hard to catch; this entices me. I also know that it will be over any minute. You've lost interest, and this only makes me want to savor what I fear will be our last few outings even more.

Still, out of many choices, I want you. Kind, smart, successful, funny; a good person whose goals and views I actually admire. Please don't be done. Until you make up your mind, I will be sitting with my phone in one hand and head in the other, staring, hoping, and feeling forlorn...